Wonderful Waterfalls
Africa |Victoria falls
The Victoria falls on the River Zambezi, Located in the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, is listed as one of the seven Natural Wonders of the world.
Amazing Facts
l Angel falls in Venezuela is the tallest waterfall in the world with a height of 979 meters and a plunge of 807 meters.
l Victoria falls in Southern Africa is the Largest waterfall in the world-the combination of its width of 1708 meters and height of 108 meters, results in the world’s largest sheet of falling water.
l The Marmore falls, created by the ancient Romans in Italy, is the tallest man-made waterfall in the world with a height of 165 meters.
l In February, the setting sun hits the Horsetail fall, located in the Yosemite National Park in USA, to illuminate the waterfall to give it an orange-red glow as if it is one fire. This natural phenomenon is often referred to as the Fire fall, and is one of nature’ rarest phenomenon.
l In 2012 Nik Wallenda become the first person to cross the Niagara falls by tightrope in 116 years. He was required to carry his passport and present it on entry to the Canadian side of the falls.
l The Victoria Falls is one of the few places on the earth where rainbows can be seen at nighttime. The phenomenon is Known as ‘moonbow’ or ‘lunar rainbow’.
l Niagara Falls is the most visited waterfall in the world, with an average of around 30 Million visitors every year.
Waterfalls are created in areas where a flowing river drops abruptly and vertically. Over time these river, through the process of erosion and deposition, smoothen these land irregularities.
Commonly used classification of waterfalls-
Plunge-When a single waterfall falls vertically, losing contact with the bedrock
Cataracts-When large volumes of water are involved
Cascades-small waterfalls of lesser steepness
Rapids-small waterfall that exhibit turbulent water flow and white water
Multi step/Tiered-a series of waterfalls split over a variety of height, each having its own plunge pool
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